
Top 4 Amazing Benefits of Brushing and Flossing

Whiter Teeth and Brighter Smile!
Every day plaque build up leads to tartar and stains that brushing can remove and prevent. Brushing correctly and regularly keeps your smile healthy and bright!

Fresh Breath!
No one loves bad or unhealthy breath (halitosis)! Brushing and flossing can prevent the bacteria that cause halitosis and tooth decay!

Healthy, Firm Gums!
Brushing mechanically cleans teeth, and where teeth meet gums; while flossing cleans between and below the surfaces. This helps prevent gum disease, serious mouth problems, and damage to your body.

Dental Implant Homecare in Wantirna South

Dental Implant Homecare

Caring for your dental implants is just like caring for your natural teeth. You maintain good care at home and visit your dental team for your routine check-ups. When it comes to implant home care, you should always keep these two things in mind: gentleness and cleanliness.

If you fail to follow the instructions of your dentist on how to take care of your new teeth properly, your implant may suffer from physical disruption and infection, resulting in treatment failure. At Dr. Sheetal Sachdeva’s Dental Surgery, we will provide you with detailed homecare guidelines for your new implant so you can experience a problem-free and fast recovery.