
How to Get Rid of Gingivitis Related to Braces

Wearing metal braces is often linked to gum problems. While this can be a normal side effect of the treatment, there are also methods you can use at home to lessen the problem and avoid discomforts caused by bleeding or irritated gums.

In this article, you will learn how to eliminate gingivitis related to braces. This can help you keep healthy gums while your teeth are moved into their ideal position.

Child Dental Benefits Extended For 2017! - wantirna south dentist

Child Dental Benefits Extended For 2017!

The Australian Government has confirmed CDBS will continue in 2017! This is good news for many parents – the CDBS covers eligible children aged 2–17, particularly those who might have trouble affording dental care without the program.

If your children are eligible you should not let them miss out on the CDBS’s benefit for basic dental services. Oral health is critical to overall health, and developing good dental and oral health habits in your children is one way to ensure a healthy life in the future.

Dr. Sachdeva’s Dental Surgery offers dental treatments under this schedule. Some exclusions apply and eligibility is required. Feel free to contact us on (03) 9800 2338 to ask questions or make an appointment for your child.

Dentist Wantirna South Tips: Don’t let December Damage your Dental Bliss

Infographic: Don’t let December Damage your Dental Bliss

At this festive time of year, when everything seems happy and joyful, your dental health can be put at risk for several reasons: stress from family, work, and limited time pressures, an increased about of less than healthy holiday food and drink, and weakened will power to resist unhealthy temptations.

Here is a little bit of unsolicited, free advice from Dr. Sachdeva’s Dental Surgery to help your get through December’s dental dangers. Sometimes our behaviour and will power can be influenced just enough to make a difference by hearing a bit of advice and encouragement.


6 Tips to Get Healthier, Whiter Teeth

Evеrуоnе knоwѕ іt’ѕ important tо bruѕh twісе daily, іn the morning аnd аt nіght, and rеgulаrlу flоѕѕ, tоо. But whаt else can уоu do tо mаkе your teeth thеіr brightest, whіtеѕt and all-around hеаlthіеѕt? Here аrе еаѕу tips thаt will mаkе уоu smile.

Don’t Brush Aftеr Every Mеаl

You can bе doing more hаrm thаn gооd. Certain fооdѕ can lеаvе асіd behind on thе tееth, wеаkеnіng thе enamel. If уоu bruѕh right аftеr еаtіng, you can асtuаllу scrub it away! After a mеаl, ѕwіѕh (аnd spit!) wіth wаtеr.

Skір the Soda

Sоdа саn cause dаmаgе tо your teeth in just the fіrѕt fеw ѕірѕ. Thе sugar in the ѕоdа lеаdѕ tо саvіtіеѕ аnd аlѕо tеndѕ tо stain thе teeth.


Top 4 Amazing Benefits of Brushing and Flossing

Whiter Teeth and Brighter Smile!
Every day plaque build up leads to tartar and stains that brushing can remove and prevent. Brushing correctly and regularly keeps your smile healthy and bright!

Fresh Breath!
No one loves bad or unhealthy breath (halitosis)! Brushing and flossing can prevent the bacteria that cause halitosis and tooth decay!

Healthy, Firm Gums!
Brushing mechanically cleans teeth, and where teeth meet gums; while flossing cleans between and below the surfaces. This helps prevent gum disease, serious mouth problems, and damage to your body.