Dr. Sheetal Sachdeva listens and responds to your dental problems. He is an well known dentist with over 35 years experience who knows the dental health field and can deliver effectively and treat your needs. Dr. Sachdeva and his dedicated team of well-trained professionals gives you individualised attention you deserve.

Gums Tender Or Bleeding- It’s A Problem! - wantirna south dentist

Gums Tender Or Bleeding? It’s A Problem!

Noticing that your gums bleed when you brush or floss can be alarming. What are the possible causes of bleeding gums? There are different reasons that gums may start to bleed during brushing, some are temporary and some are of more concern.

If you are worried about your oral health, including bleeding or tender gums, simply make an appointment at Dr. Sachdeva’s Dental Surgery.

Why Do Gums Bleed?

The most common cause of bleeding gums is dental plaque (bacterial deposits) and calculus (tartar) building up where the teeth meet the gums. This causes the gum tissues to become inflamed, which is known as gingivitis. Gingivitis can lead to bad breath as well as gum tenderness and bleeding.


10 Amazing Factoids About Your Teeth

The modern environment is kaleidoscopic and sometimes confusing. In this hectic world, it can be difficult to enjoy a few minutes of quiet amusements without being interrupted by phone calls, texts, or annoying advertisements.

To offer you a break, the professionals at Dr. Sachdeva’s Dental Surgery are here to give you a break with this short list of dental myths and folk-beliefs. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed putting it together.

Some of the myths that revolve around curing toothaches are more than a bit odd.

Holiday Oral Health Tips for Kids and Adults

Holiday Oral Health Tips for Kids and Adults

The holidays are the perfect time for family and friends to come together and celebrate. But those celebrations often center around food, and particularly sugar-rich food. Unfortunately, sugar-rich foods and drinks can be damaging to both your dental and general health.

The holiday season could be called the Sugar Season or even the Tooth Decay Season. At Dr. Sachdeva’s Dental Surgery, we can help you get through this season without suffering an increase in dental problems.

How Do Sweet Foods and Drinks Harm Your Teeth?

Sugary food or drinks are food for the bacteria naturally found in your mouth. Feeding the bacteria leads to acids as a result. The acids, which last in your mouth for 30 minutes, wear down tooth enamel and increase the risk of tooth decay as well as many other dental issues, including gingivitis.

What You Should Know About Gum Disease

What You Should Know About Gum Disease

More than 80% of adults suffer from some form of gum disease. If you think it’s not a bad thing for your gums to bleed when brushing your teeth, think again. Most people think the same way, but for dental experts, this scenario is alarming.

Gums that bleed are an indication that you have inflammation or gingivitis. Gingivitis is the first, mild stage of gum disease which is caused by oral bacteria, and when left untreated can progress to an advanced stage called periodontitis as well as bone degradation


How to Get Rid of Gingivitis Related to Braces

Wearing metal braces is often linked to gum problems. While this can be a normal side effect of the treatment, there are also methods you can use at home to lessen the problem and avoid discomforts caused by bleeding or irritated gums.

In this article, you will learn how to eliminate gingivitis related to braces. This can help you keep healthy gums while your teeth are moved into their ideal position.

Child Dental Benefits Extended For 2017! - wantirna south dentist

Child Dental Benefits Extended For 2017!

The Australian Government has confirmed CDBS will continue in 2017! This is good news for many parents – the CDBS covers eligible children aged 2–17, particularly those who might have trouble affording dental care without the program.

If your children are eligible you should not let them miss out on the CDBS’s benefit for basic dental services. Oral health is critical to overall health, and developing good dental and oral health habits in your children is one way to ensure a healthy life in the future.

Dr. Sachdeva’s Dental Surgery offers dental treatments under this schedule. Some exclusions apply and eligibility is required. Feel free to contact us on (03) 9800 2338 to ask questions or make an appointment for your child.